Monday, February 12, 2007

Drawings for Nick

Helping and meeting people over the world is getting so much easier throught the net. And world wide sharing is absolute an advantage for the human race. And although we still work with copyright as barriers even that can be used in the right way as Nick shows.


The e-learning for kids foundation develops e-learning programs, and I was very pleased I could connect them with the people from who build schools in Africa and tobeworldwide who provide those schools with learning materials. Small steps that all help to bring knowledge around the world.


This one didn't fit at the end, but I still like the idea that the Internet will help to get a little more justice. Keeping faith in the old idea that knowledge helps justice.


......... The chapters are about ways to develop and inspire. But also about use the Internet to make knowledge available world wide and it positive effects.
My friend Nick van Dam asked my to make some small b/w illustration for his book about e-learning " 25 Best Practices in Learning and Talent development".
As the initiator and driving force behind the e-learning for kids foundation he decided that all the royalties from the book will be donated to
e-learning for kids foundation a non-profit foundation that provides children (5-12) with high quality online learning for free. Great work Nick!

CC Developing Nations

Op dit werk is een Creative Commons Developing Nations license van toepassing.
