Sunday, March 26, 2006

The fifth string

A poster designed for a very interesting series of concerts by the Zephyr Quartet , using electronic devices to create a sound and vision theatrical experience during these concerts. It was commissioned by the UCC, the Utrechtse Componisten Collectief, a group of modern classical composers living in Utrecht. More info:

A manifest for intern communication

The government of Waalwijk decide to communicate a plan for a serious increase in building activities. So we designed a declaration.

The poster for the Henriëtte Bosmanprijs, an award for promising young composers of modern classical music.
Dutch clouds and a portrait of Henriëtte Bosman committeded by Insomnio who performed the music from the short list.

Saturday, March 25, 2006

Picto design for province Overijsel

Three pictos symbolizing a old women alone, a grand mother with her daughter and child and a dynamic old couple. That seem to be the three mayor situations for older people. It was al designed as symbols for the three scenarios which were worked out detailed for a discussion with a forum of people.